Will I receive the same product that I see in the picture?

We make every effort to provide our customers with products that look the same as the images displayed on our website pages. However please keep in mind that photographs have a difficult time showing exact colors and that the actual color of a product may vary slightly from what is shown in one of our website images. We work hard to update our website descriptions and images as soon as we aware of noticeable variations in our products that customers may find unacceptable.

Where can I view my sales receipt?

After successfully making an order, an e-mail is sent to you containing your order and payment details. Just after it has been completed and delivered to you, a receipt is sent to your mail. Along side your package being delivered is a hard copy receipt as well.

How can I return an item?

You can raise a request to return your items with these simple steps:

1. Log into your account

2. Go to My Orders

3. Click on 'Return' against the item you wish to return or exchange

4. Fill in the details and raise a return request

What exactly happens after ordering?

After you have picked your product, the steps to a successful order are as follows
1. Add your product to cart
2. Proceed to Checkout page
3. Fill Your Billing/shipping information
4. Fill Additional information if necessary
5. Review the Final details on your order total price, delivery address, phone number etc.
6. Select your preferred payment method and Place an order
7. After this notification ” Thank you, your order has been received” proceed to “Make your payment directly into agents bank account” and send the transaction details to the provided email address for confirmation. To enable effective processing.

Will you restock items indicated as “out of stock?”

Restocking of items is totally relative and can not be guaranteed for all items on the store. If you are interested in an “out of stock” item, please do bring it to our notice by sending us a mail, and we would get back to you on the availability of the product.